The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night by Mark Haddon , Einaudi, was reviewed by many as a detective story. For me it is not: maybe the pretext on which part of the story of Christopher - the protagonist of the book - may be relegated from the typical themes of a yellow (the investigation into the death of the Dog in the Night), but from my point of view this text encompasses much more. Introspective depth to a world different from "normal" with raw realism and sensitivity turned on us getting to know and love Christopher then, with all its foibles, fears or habits that from time to time we also recognize even our "normal" and so different a boy with autism.
A book that is read in one go and not find out who killed the dog at midnight, but to approach Christopher and understand what the boy is able to exceed its limits just to reach the goal, which already from the first half of the book is no longer find the murderess.
come to an end, I wanted to start again because Christopher is un ragazzo dal quale non vorresti staccarti mai.
Un libro che fa riflettere sulla diversità, ma che fa anche sorridere molto.
Solo una domanda mi martella nella testa: quanto Haddon è attendibile? Voglio dire, le sue parole sarebbero davvero anche le parole di un ragazzo con la sindrome di Asperger? O la fantasia limita la realtà?
Chi ama la matematica ha un motivo in più per leggere "Lo strano caso del cane ucciso a mezzanotte": un problema da risolvere in appendice, che per me è assolutamente irraggiungibile visti i miei limiti in materia!