Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lump Side Of Bottom Leg

walk in the dark: a masterpiece of the disappearance of Mariateresa Let

One of the things I most like to do is wander around the flea markets or for Brockenhaus , warehouses or old houses crammed with things used. Look, touch, smell almost everything. Sometimes I buy, but not often.
In one of my laps I Brocki Swiss imbatutta in a book in Italian. Unlike books in other languages \u200b\u200b(French, English, English) not often you find books in Italian. I might say that Italians abroad are holding onto their books, but haim is not the case: Italian immigrants do not read much, everyone here.
"walk in the dark" by Maria Teresa Lasica: I took the book in my hands and I read the back cover that I report here because the site does not give the Feltrinelli that a thin line in this book, I now unavailable :
"Lonely as an autobiography and united as a family saga, this delicate but powerful novel succeeds in telling the complex interweaving of stories that make up a community through the eyes of a woman who revisits the memory stages of its growth. Alcune figure di parenti sono memorabili, così come indimenticabile resterà l'immagine di un Sud tanto avvolgente e aspro, quanto vitale e dolce.
La densità della storia narrata, le sue stratificazioni, la ricchezza psicologica delle descrizioni mescolata alla forza dell'azione, fanno di questo esordio un caso limite. La scrittura, sospinta da una sua arcana necessità interna, ha una trasparenza formidabile. Si tratta di un'opera irripetibile che ci consegna innanzitutto un personaggio femminile - Chiara - che nel momento di arrendersi alla fatica di vivere trova la forza e l'orgoglio di raccontare la vita".

Inutile dire che già a metà pagina avevo deciso di comperare il libro.
Un libro impegnativo, dotto, full, deep, full. A book that could not be written in any other way.
I often wondered if the sadness and anguish of the protagonist Clare were in any way autobiographical: Maria Teresa (or Mariateresa, I have not got it right) died of disease before the novel came out, making this his first and only book. Every word of the book seemed to me really the gloss to a real life, the author.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. No need to write more.

As I said above I think is not easy to find this book, although he won the Strega Prize in 1995. I have seen, however, it is to read online, for those opposed to I do not smell is dependent of the books.

I warmly thank those who have abandoned a Brocki and thus allowed it to be mine forever.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Frequent Urination With Lots Of Gas Pains

Irish Baby-wear Sinead Moriarty

From time to time I like to abandon the usual readings committed and relax with some light story. So I chose à porter Baby Irish Sinead Moriarty, Sperling & Kupfer.
Lately there is much talk of young writers iralndesi, talents for many publishers. I deeply love Ireland, I can be happy.
So I said, let's see how to write this Dublin.

Apart from the fact that it always returns the same speech: translation. Worsens or improves as a text for a translation? Unfortunately I am not able to read texts in English, so my comment is made on the Italian version ... that, besides being full of horrendous typos, I did not like at all.
is true, this is a book light and then not expect some kind of style ... But then we are sure that is indeed the case and that instead the writer would rather not talk about something very serious - procreation - perhaps in an ironic way. .. without success, though? If the intent was, was dealt with differently.
Parties repetitive, boring pages with terms and medical procedures that will even correct, but from a book of this kind there It also expects to be wrong. In other words, if I wanted to inquire about methods of fertilization, look elsewhere. But if I wanted to read something nice and cheerful, but we will try elsewhere.
I imagined a story style Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella, light, humorous and easy to read ... Yes, that is equal to the other end of stories like that, but if you open a box of chocolates and then a second and a third, you know what you find inside.

The story of Emma, \u200b\u200bthe protagonist of the novel, looking for a pregnancy drags on for chapters interwoven with the stories of her friends. Long, long, long time. Interminably long to say NOTHING. Yeah, because in the end none of the see stories told in a logical conclusion. Emma same as for the whole book is haunting itself stubborn and whoever is next, for them to take an important decision in half a page, after a pseudo concussion?

But what bothers me most is to think that this book is to present a hysterical woman because 32/33 years can not have children, though perfectly healthy and fertile, so hysterical to go to Lourdes and to do various hormonal treatments are not recommended even by doctors, still whiny and insufferable in front of the real possibility of being pregnant sooner or later. You do not have a minimum of respect for all those women who have received confirmation instead of being infertile and can forget to have a child themselves.

In short, if you are a woman and want to hurt you, read this book. If you are a man, I do not get to the second chapter. Waiting for your comments!