Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What Is Central Canal And Foraminal Stenosis

in vino veritas?

.. bhe ..


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What Resturuant Has The Paper Hats


Here we are, among qlk day party.
The list of things to do is still to be written, there is still something I'd like to do, but I know it will be impossible but not my will. What is this? mmmm I think that the person concerned has already figured out .. Yes, I'd like to see you.
travel destination? Salzburg, Prague, Berlin and Innsbruck with my girlfriend Paola .. although in the end nn so as a party and how many are in Prague. . Enrico party with us? Toni also? Leo reaches us? bhoooooooo
what I'll be ready to take this trip? I'll have energy to "deal"? For now, no.